Ameesha takes her Anger to Twitter on seeing sad states of affairs in mumbai caused due to heavy rains recently ,having felt sad, she expressed her thoughts with her twitter followers. She Tweeted "Mumbai has to be one of the dirtiest most disorganised n worst cities to live in..garbage everywher..flyovers falling..bad infrastructure.The ministers are so busy getting rich n filling their bank balances its disgusting the kind of wealth these ministers have..atleast they shud use half to develop the nation..greedy,while the progress of the country suffers,Our govt is useless at making living standards higher for the common man..their only focus is making themselves rich,City is plagued with diseases n dirt n pollution n incomplete roads n flyovers n metros..mumbai n all of india wudb amayzing to live in if we didn't have dirty corrupt politicians, shit quality of life for people.We pay such hi taxes while the govt does nothing in return for us,India can b the most beautiful n stunning country in the world..if only more was done to improve its infrastructure n tackle illetracy..I always shout at my friends when they throw garbage on the streets.I have a dustbin in my car also" She concluded by saying "Aamir khans show is so true to expose some of the evils of the indian way of life..its sad..we r an amayzing nation with wrong leaders.Ok guys ..gng off now..saw tons of garbage below a v prominent flyover n people sleeping in it..sad" One can understand her anger easily as we all face the same problems in day to day life and curse politicians for all this,she got huge and positive responses from everyone and even trended on twitter for sometime, Agree with u Angel, u are absolutely right 99% of d ppl r fed up of dis corruption,scams,inept infra and all coz those 1% corrupt minister brigade