7 am: Don't feel like getting out of bed.8 am: Rushed out. First to the temple. And then off to Pune... By around 10 am, I stop in Panvel for a washroom break and a chilled drink of cold coffee with icecream

Main chali: Before driving back to Mumbai
12 pm: Finally at my grandma's home in Pune. She is delighted to see me. We laugh and joke and chat and giggle like two schoolgirls (though she is 91). Have lunch together and some mangoes for dessert... God I love to see her eat them with glee.
1 pm: I rest with her. Lying beside her, holding her hand, we doze off till 3 pm. While she sleeps, I quietly sneak off to the guest room.
5 pm: I'm changed and ready as I have to be at a mall for the inauguration of a saree store.
6 pm: At the store! Whew! The crowds can drive you crazy! Loads of autographs and pictures with fans later and I escape soon.
7.15 pm: Back to my grandmas house. I have an early dinner with her. We have some yummy chicken and waran-bhaath (dal-chaawal). Typically Maharatrian meal. My grandma's house is a culinary delight
8.30 pm: I reluctantly leave my grandma's side and start my long drive to Mumbai. Have Jagjit Singh playing on my iPod. He soothes and calms me after a hectic day. Driving slowly...
1 am: Home. I shower, brush my teeth and just collapse into bed... I have no energy today to read or to talk or to turn on the TV. Asleep by 2 am!
6am: Morning alarm shook me out of bed
7 am: A quick shower and then, gym
9.30 am: Magazine shoot. Started on hair and make up. Hate this part... hate make-up... and my poor hair! (all that torture of blow drying, etc). Luckily, today's shoot is a beauty feature, so very little fuss and almost no make-up. The emphasis is on the face and beautiful jewellery.
10.30 am: Going through the jewellery... it is fit for a queen... pink diamonds are my weakness. Sigh! Well at least I can feel like a princess for a few hours
12 pm: I take a break and wallop down a yummy club sandwich. Yummy! Down go the French fries!
12.30 pm: God wearing these jewels comes so naturally to me... I'm having a blast... and these fab clothes...
3 pm: Feel like I'm 5 again... Wearing pretty things and pretending I'm a princess locked in a castle waiting for my prince to rescue me...
5 pm: Shoot over. Back to reality in my humble track pants and tee shirt... no horse-drawn carriage but my car
6.30 pm: Reach rehearsal hall. Reality: Have to slog for a living. Not a princess after all.
9.30 pm: Back home feeling fresh, energized and happy. Good rehearsal
10 pm: Having dinner with friends from Belgium: the land of diamonds
12 am: Back home, cleansing my face. My ritual before I sleep and put on night cream
12.30 am: iPod playing Julio Iglesias's Mooonlight Lady, my fave song. Feeling like a Moonlight Lady, I turn off the lights...
9 am: Woke up to a happy, happy day filled with sunshine
11 am: Hit the gym
12.30 pm: Back home... in time for a quick bath and then out again for rehearsals.
1 pm: Had a costume trial. Oh, the clothes are looking gorgeous. Feel like a diva in them. Now better rehearse hard so my performance matches my clothes
2 pm: Had light lunch... a typical Gujarati kadhi and khichdi as my stomach still upset due to food poisoning
3 pm: Off to dance rehearsals... it's a gruelling one today... no time for breaks...
5.30 pm: A quick dubbing for a film that releases in two months...
7.30 pm: Now I am going to pamper myself with a nice massage. Finally, I think I have earned it after the rehearsals
9.30 pm: Home sweet home...
10 pm: My friend coming over to dinner... just chatting and gossipping. Love catching up with her. Having some steamed rice and clear soup. I know sounds boring but I have no choice because of my stomach.
11 pm: Reading this delish book called Silk... 100 pages left but it's so engrossing that I can't put it down
1.30 am: I finally finished the book... lights and candles off. I have to be up at 6 am to catch an early morning flight to catch... better get some sleep... Good night and sweet dreams...
9 am: Up and about... Read the papers and had my green tea
11 am: Hit the gym... Felt so good.
12.30 pm: Back home... Had a light lunch and off to another gruelling dance rehearsal
2.30 pm: Today ,I thought I'd just kept rehearsing forever... Ouch! Hurt my knee. It played up again. Have to get to my physio in the evening
4 pm: At the rehearsals... Took a short water break of 10 min... caught up with my emails on my BB and chatted on phone...
5 pm: Finally left rehearsals. Now for a quick wash-up and heading to my physio in an hour
5.30 pm: Returned home, an exhausted l'il lamb...
6.30 pm: Had a quick shower and a nice chilled Diet Coke.
7 pm: On my way to get a complete check-up done on the knee. My physiotherapist is really angry with me for overexerting...
7.30 pm: A quick ultrasound session and I'm back home by 8 pm.
9 pm: Time for dinner. Though I'm very hungry, am going to go with a light dinner tonight because of my weak stomach... Came down with yet another bout of food poisoning today... Gotta stop eating outside... Only soup and chaas for me from now on.
10 pm: Watching One Tree Hill. Am on the second season. Watched the series till midnight and then this Cinderella must close her eyes before her four-poster bed turns into a pumpkin. Good night!
9 am: Woke up to a beautiful Sunday... a little more relaxed than other days which are more hectic...
10 am: Read the morning newspapers with leisure... opened the windows and heard the birds chirping... enjoyed the morning sunshine on my face...
11 am: Time to hit the gym... had a good workout. Packed by 12.30. Came home to sort out some household chores...
1 pm: These last few weeks, I haven't been keeping well so had a light lunch of grilled chicken, roti and salad. Had enough energy to dance and yet not be overfull.
2.30 pm: Rushed for dance rehearsals in Lokhandwala for a show I'm doing in Bareilly this week.
5 pm: Had to rush home for a meeting with the creatives of the show to discuss my costumes. Love discussing clothes.
7 pm: Finally, meeting's over and it's rushing-around time again. Wish I had more time for myself. Wanted a leisurely soak in the bath but there's no time.
9 pm: Heading out to a nice Italian restaurant for early dinner with friends
11.30 pm: Back home... Watching news on TV to keep up with what's been happening. I watch all news channels but National Geographic and Discovery channel are my faves. Finally, dozing off... -Mid-day